Parents of teens and preteens won't want to miss this month's featured Family Forum topic. Vaping is on the rise among young people and carries some costly concerns. Join us Tuesday, Feb 21 at 6pm at, click Students & Families, then Counseling or watch for the link.
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Dangers of Vaping
SFSD sends a HUGE Thank You to our School Resource Officers from the SF Police Department! SROs establish relationships with students and staff to keep schools safe!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Feb 15 is SRO Appreciation Day
Every day is a GREAT day in SFSD classrooms! Thursday was extra special as Supt. Stavem and Board Member Marc Murren surprised six educators by naming them finalists for the Dr. John W. Harris Teacher of the Year Award! Please join us in congratulating these amazing educators!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
ToY Finalists 2023
Congratulations to Angelica Mercado-Ford, WHS debate coach, for earning the highest ranking from the National Speech and Debate Association!!
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
WHS Debate Coach
It's time! JK and Kindergarten registration for the 23-24 school year is NOW OPEN! Parents of children who will be five (5) on or before September 1, 2023 and live in Sioux Falls School District boundaries can learn more at:
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
JK/K Registration
SFSD loves our school counselors! Join us in thanking them this week (and every week) for "Helping Students Dream Big!"
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Counseling Week
Interested in playing on the WHS Girls Golf Team? There will be a informative meeting in Mrs. Kool's room, A203, at the start of 4A of Warrior Halftime on Wednesday, February 8th. Hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
Girls Golf
CONGRATULATIONS to the following WHS Band students that made All State Band this year: Brianna Deaver Charley Larsen Alexis Lawrence Austin Lawrence Natalia Loaeza Gentry Owen Maegan Questad Esther Rabenberg
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
HAPPENING TOMORROW! ❗📣❗ Students and families have the opportunity to learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by attending the Cyber Academy open house on Tuesday, January 31st from 4-7:30 pm at the CTE Academy! This is a great opportunity to learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by taking college-level courses while in high school. Presentations at 5pm and 7pm will explain how students can get started and the program's benefits. Reminder, this event is open to anyone and everyone! Can't wait to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
cyber security image
Anatomy & Physiology students will attend the annual USD Cadaver Lab on March 23, 2023. Parent chaperones are needed and invitations to chaperone will be emailed to parents mid-February. Permission slips for students to attend will be sent home at that time also.
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
WHS Circle of Courage
Anatomy & Physiology students will attend the annual USD Cadaver Lab on March 23, 2023. Parent chaperones are needed and invitations to chaperone will be emailed to parents mid-February. Permission slips for students to attend will be sent home at that time also.
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
Anatomy & Physiology
Interested in playing baseball this spring? There will be a player and parent meeting in the Little Theater on Monday, January 30th at 6:30pm.
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
REMINDER! One week from today! ❗📣❗ Students of any age and families have the opportunity to learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by attending the Cyber Academy open house on Tuesday, January 31st from 4-7:30 pm at the CTE Academy! This is a great opportunity to learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by taking college level courses while in high school. Presentations are at 5pm and 7pm will explain how students can get started and the benefits of the program. Can't wait to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
cyber academy image
Looking for a fun evening with fellow Warriors? Student Council will be hosting a bean bag tournament on Monday, January 23rd at 7pm in the main gym. No sign-up is needed. If you would like to participate, please arrive at 6:45pm in the commons. All students and staff are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
Bean Bag
Establishing healthy eating habits is the focus of this month's Family Forum Series, brought to you by Avera Behavioral Health and the Sioux Falls School District. Watch with us here --->
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
family forum series
Interested in playing baseball in the spring? Visit the SEBS website for more information. Registration is now open!!
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
Driver’s Ed has opened up for WHS Spring Sessions for HS students. There are about 27 spots open in each class right now. If you are interested please use the link below to find out all you need to know.
almost 2 years ago, Washington High School
Driver Education
ATTENTION STUDENTS & FAMILIES! ❗📣❗ Learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by attending the Cyber Academy open house on Tuesday, January 31st from 4-7:30 pm at the CTE Academy! This is a great opportunity to learn how to get started in the field of Cybersecurity and Technology by taking college-level courses while in high school. Presentations at 5pm and 7pm will explain how students can get started and the program's benefits. This opportunity is open to anyone and everyone! Can't wait to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Cyber Academy Graphic
Don't miss valuable parent information provided by our partners at Avera Behavioral Health in our Family Forum Series. On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, we're discussing the importance of establishing healthy eating habits. Watch for the link or join us through our website.
about 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Healthy Eating Habits Jan 17
SENIORS, the proof for your senior picture submissions can be found by the exit door of the school store. Please check your picture and read the information on the poster before you come talk to Miss Heckenlaible in A133/134 about resubmitting your photo if it is not there.
about 2 years ago, Washington High School
Senior Pictures