Parenting is hard. So is growing up! Join SFSD and Avera experts as we team up virtually on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6pm for topics that strengthen families.
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Family Forum Series: Suicide Prevention
Interested in taking the PSAT? Stop by the counseling office to register. The cost is $20.00 and space is limited. The test will be given on Wednesday, OCtober 12th.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Attention Seniors! Legislative Page Applications are now available in the counseling office. Stop by and grab one if you are interested in being a Legislative Page for the 2023 Session.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Congrats to the students selected to serve on the Mayor's Youth Council for the 2022-23 school year. Jefferson High School: Angeth Mayen, Ethan Buermann, and Tesfanesh Feldkamp Lincoln High School: Aryan Patel, Delaney Gramlick, and Rubben Johnson Roosevelt High School: Nicholas Maas Washington High School: Alanna Smith and Siyanne Redda The Mayor’s Youth Council provides teens a voice on community issues and the opportunity to learn about City government and develop leadership skills.
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Mayor's Youth Council
2022 PRESIDENTS BOWL Come out and support the WHS football team as they take on RHS at 3:30 pm at Howard Wood Field on Saturday, September 10th. GO WARRIORS!!
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
2022 Presidents Bowl
Washington High School is celebrating the 100th Homecoming this year! Click on the link below to view homecoming slides that highlight the history and current events of O.L.D.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
WHS Logo
The WHS Quiz Bowl team will hold its first meeting on Monday, September 12 in room E118 at 3:15. If you are interested in being a part of this WHS High School gifted education program, be sure to show up for this meeting to learn more about it. It is far more than quiz bowl competitions.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Quiz Bowl
Today, the City of Sioux Falls and Sioux Area Metro pulled up at Roosevelt High School to explain the public transit "Kids Ride Free Initiative." As the city works to increase ridership and build future transit users, children can ride SAM buses with a School ID/Freedom Pass.
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Announcement of Kids Ride Free Initiative
Announcement of Kids Ride Free Initiative
WHS students, do you have a fun talent to show off during the Homecoming Variety Show? Auditions will be held Wednesday, August 31st in the Auditorium. You can pick up an audition form in Student Services.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Variety Show
School drop-offs and pick-ups can be messy! Take your time, stay alert, and obey the rules of the road. A safe and orderly process makes the day start and end on a positive note for both students and parents!
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
School Zones
The WHS Show Choir will be running a fall round of show choir auditions on Monday, August 29th in the choir room (C110) from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. If you are interested but can not make the auditions please contact Mr. Spencer or Mr. Jacobson in C110. We hope to see you there!!!
over 2 years ago, Kimber Pierzchalski
Shoe Choir
The 2022 WHS yearbooks have arrived!!! Distribution will begin the week of August 29th. WHS graduates may stop in after school at 3:10pm to pick your yearbook or if you have a sibling that is still a student at WHS they may pick it up for you.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Looking for information on Activity Passes? Click on the link below to find out all you need to know.
over 2 years ago, Washington High School
Check out the first "What's the Scoop" newsletter for the 2022-23 school year! This month's newsletter from our Child Nutrition department includes important reminders and everything you need to know as we kick off this new school year! --->
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
A cartoon cherry dancing and a cartoon avocado playing guitar with text that reads Welcome Back!
The countdown is ON! We are so excited to welcome students back for another great school year! Staff have been busily preparing their classrooms, brushing up on instructional skills, and revisiting the always-important-topic of customer service! See you soon!
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Training to be our Best
A new app for parents of bus-eligible students is coming soon! The FREE Stopfinder app allows parents/guardians/daycare providers to see pick-up and drop-off times, the location of the bus, and other features in a secure app. More information will be coming soon, including an invitation to set up your child's account in Stopfinder. If you are the primary household of a bus-eligible student, please check your email for more information.
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Stopfinder Coming Soon
What better way to start August than some "inspired" learning? SFSD staff members are sharpening their skills to help your student(s) achieve!
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Photos of Inspire Conference
Keep your students fueled to learn! SFSD is no longer able to offer free meals to all students. Now is a great time to add money to their My School Bucks account. Or, for families with qualifying income, it is important to fill out the Free/Reduced Meal application! Log on to the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus to apply! If you have questions or need help filling out the application please call 605-367-6180. We are happy to help! Please note: if your student does not have a free/reduced lunch application on file, you will be charged full price for breakfast and lunch starting the first day of school. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Free School Meals End Summer 2022
Students/Families who need assistance with purchasing the necessary school supplies for a successful school year may consider attending Project SOS. The first day of classes for SFSD is Thursday, August 25, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Dates for Project SOS 2022
Are you interested in being part of the WHS Girls Soccer Team? Come to tryouts beginning August 1st from 4pm - 6pm at Kenny Anderson. Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Washington High School